Saturday, May 17, 2008

In Boulder

We arrived in Boulder late Thursday night, puffy from crying and spending the last hour on the road processing through some core issues. Without really getting into them I'd like to state that my boyfriend is probably the most courageous and conscious person I've ever met. I love him very deeply and every time something like this happens and we are both able to relate to each other in this way, get through something with the potential to get nasty, we both just get really soft and listeny.
I have never really been treated with so much respect and dignity before. It's kind of weird sometimes. There's the expectation that he's going to be like every other partner I've had and just walk out on me because I'm complicated and processy and need a lot of communication. Conversely I don't need a lot of affection and we're not attached at the hip or any other part. Most partners I've had are really unconcerned with healing insomuch as they don't know what it is or why it's necessary for me.
Not a lot of men I've known have been through the horror of rape or incest or child abuse, let alone all of them in combination with so many other tragedies in my youth. These are not statements that I use to victimize myself or ligitemize a behavior/histrionics. I'm a pretty gentle person with my own experiences at this point. I'm glad for who I am and how I am who I am.

This also means that I endure a lot of aftershocks of said abuses in many areas of my life. That's OK, it comes with the territory. I am willing to face everything I must in order to heal those wounds and survive, thrive and pass ov love and encouragement instead of neglect and abuse.

So the road trip was pretty good altogether, but fraught also with this stress really hanging over me. Just before leaving for Detroit in the end of April, I got a message form my sister that she'd been diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy and needed to get a pacemaker implanted. We've been sharing symptoms for the last few years and hearing this news was/is distressing! The day before that, the BF got his rejection letter from Naropa which we had both built our whole moving around his getting accepted. So two days later I'm in Detroit with my godparent to celebrate my birthday, receive some ritual divination and spirit work.

He's just had a back surgery that wasn't too effective though he's no longer walking with a cane. He's mostly acting weird and says that he's withdrawing from his pain medication since the surgery. I've looked up the symptoms and his behavior was the same. Then there is a shift and he's acting a bit speedy and paranoid. He's not eating and has diarrhea. I go into the bathroom and notice the HUGE bottle of laxatives. Damnit. ANOREXIA + OPIATE ADDICTION

This means that he's been really dishonest with me for the past year in which he claimed to be in treatment for his painmed addiction which I believe also branched out into SOMA addiction. Here are some quotes from people addicted/affected by SOMA that I found on the internet. These are all things I have seen and experienced with my godparent:

" I take 30-50 a day and need help. I have slurred speech, fall down and wake up with bruises all the time, get the munchies and wake up after a blackout with food in my mouth that I have not swallowed. I had to quit my job. I don't know how to stop! I am so scared at this point and do not know what to do. My husband hates I take this. I drive while on it to drive thru to get food. I have almost hit other cars several times. When I am taking it I do not realize I have a problem and should not drive. I do not know I am slurring my speech but my husband tells me. Please, someone help me get off this! I have tried several times but have bad withdrawl from it and start up again. I vomit, get the chills, have diarrhea or constipation when I try to stop. I am afraid I will kill myself and I have a toddler I want to be here for. HELP!!"

" just lost my best friend of 17 years to this drug. It is HIGHLY addictive! She could not kick it, NO ONE would help her! Insurance won't cover detox because it's not an opiate...there is not enough information on it out there for rehab programs to help anyone. It is a very sad sad drug. DO NOT TAKE SOMA!!"

"My girlfriend however takes them like candy. Just yesterday she took 60 in a 24hr period, how she didn't overdose is beyond me. She drove, of course without my permision, I would never give keys to a drunk, and that it what happens when a person takes to much soma, they become a drunk. She can become violent, but it's rare, she just normaly slurs her words, falls all the time, breaks stuff, and for some reason she gets the munchies. She will lie about how many she has taken, she thinks that no one can tell she is whacked out. She was even pulled over by a cop and they didn't do anything cause she didn't smell like alchohol. She will drive with kids in the car, with no regard to how much danger she is putting them in or the other people on the road. I get so angry when I see her this way, I can't take it. It's so stupid. I wish there was a way I could get her blacklisted by all pharmacy's for this drug, but I'm sure she would find a way to get it illegaly. BEWARE"

"I've always had an addictive personality, tried everything but heroin, quit doing speed after my son was born, but found out I can get these on the internet without a script. A bottle of 90 350 watson used to last weeks. Now the wife is starting to like them and we go thru 90 a week easy. Not only getting expensive, but I know it's a problem. They send me reminders every week on e-mail and its harder to say no even though I know I gotta stop. Iwas able to quit the speed cold turkey after every day for about 5 years, but I'm afraid this is going to be harder for me. I'm insomniac and I mix them with 10mg Ambien and I feel like it's only a matter of time before I don't wake up.I need help, but can't afford to take time off work as the wife takes care of the kids and home, so no rehab for me. Am I just a functioning addict and always will be?"

This goes ON AND ON, describing the slurred speech, falling over, nodding off during activity and conversation, dual personality, alternate hybernating/insomnia... I don't really know what to do for him at this point, so I just tell him that he needs to get help. I know that he's afraid and frustrated and angry.

Upon leaving Michigan, he needed to go to the emergency room. I stayed there with him for a couple of hours then went back to his house until he was discharged. Then the next time I heard from him, he was slurring really bad and mumbling and not making much sense on the phone. HE said he was in treatment for his anorexia and went hysterical. Then I followed up with him two days later and he said that his kidneys are failing and he's going to die. He refused any advice I offered and only repeated himself constantly and nodding off or trailing off on some unintelligible tangent. I was crying really hard with my BF next to me. It's like my father is still alive and on heroin or coke or drunk and using all of this manipulative, sentimentality to get me to ignore the fact that his addiction is destroying everything around him. Including him. I do not know if his kidney failure is real. I don't know what is real at this point, beyond the anorexia and depression and addiction.

He needs an intervention either way and I'm just not sure if we will all be able to get this done in time to save his life. I feel like he's using the words "Kidney failure" instead of "Suicidal"... I am scared and horrified and I feel like we've all let him down.

He means the world to me and I've made a vow not to judge him and to accept him as he is. I do accept him as my friend though it's very difficult and emotional given my history with addicts. I have been sober from speed et all for 18 years now and intend to stay that way.

Upon returning to Oregon, I felt relaxed and happy to be back with the BF. With the godparent, I rarely feel safe. I am always triggered and anxious wondering when the trip to the E.R. is going to come and if he will freak out and endanger us again. I was back a day before he called in hysterics, in the middle of our going away party, no less.

There I am in a dress, heels and FLAWLESS make up, sobbing. I just brushed it all off and got back to the party. My WASP ancestors would be proud.

I carried a lot of that baggage on the road with us. We bickered a little here and there and then finally, an hour away from Boulder, we just started really getting into things and then it all resolved so beautifully. I feel closer to him than ever, I feel more loved and respected and held by him than any other person in my life.

He is my wake up call to love.

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